Babi Guling is a mouthwatering Balinese delicacy that showcases the island’s culinary prowess. This article explores the history, preparation, flavors, and cultural significance of Babi Guling, offering travelers an in-depth understanding of this delectable roast pig dish.

And you can find out where to savor it while immersing yourself in Bali’s culinary traditions.

Babi Guling, is one of Bali's famous foods.

BG is a traditional Balinese dish renowned for its succulent and flavorful roast pig. This iconic dish is prepared through a labor-intensive process and holds a special place in Balinese culture and culinary traditions.

Cultural Significance of Babi Guling

This meal plays a significant role in Balinese ceremonies and rituals, especially during important events like weddings and temple festivals. It symbolizes prosperity and is believed to bring good fortune. Traditionally, if a family is as lucky to breed pig sucklings, one of the sucklings is shared amongst the whole village.

In some Balinese Hindu rituals, a special version of Babi Guling, known as “Mepeed,” is offered to deities as a sacred offering.

Preparation Process

The choice of pig is crucial. It’s typically a young, locally raised pig, known for its tenderness and flavor.

Spices and Seasoning: The pig is seasoned with a fragrant mixture of turmeric, garlic, ginger, lemongrass, and other herbs and spices. The marinade is carefully applied both inside and outside the pig.

Roasting: The pig is roasted whole, often over an open flame or using a spit, ensuring that the skin becomes crispy and golden brown. Roasting can take several hours, requiring constant attention and basting.

Presentation: Babi Guling is traditionally presented whole, with the pig’s body split open and laid flat. The presentation is as impressive as the taste, making it a feast for the eyes as well.

Flavors and Accompaniments of Babi Guling

  • Roasted Pork Meat: This is the main star of the dish. The meat becomes incredibly tender and flavorful after hours of spit-roasting. The spices penetrate deep into the meat, giving it a rich and aromatic taste.
  • Crispy Pork Skin: Arguably the most sought-after part of Babi Guling for many. The skin is roasted until it becomes incredibly crispy, providing a delightful crunch with every bite.
  • Lawar: A traditional mix made from fine chopped vegetables, grated coconut, and minced meat or fish, which is then flavored with rich herbs and spices. It can be made with a variety of ingredients, but here, it’s a mixture of pork meat. It’s a complex dish that combines various flavors and textures.
  • Sausages: Made from a blend of pork meat and an assortment of spices, then stuffed into intestines and grilled. These sausages are flavorful and provide a different texture to the dish.
  • Pork Satay: These are skewers of minced pork mixed with grated coconut and spices, then grilled to perfection. They are often served with a side of spicy sambal (chili sauce).
  • Sayur Urab: A vegetable side dish consisting of boiled vegetables (commonly beans, spinach, and bean sprouts) mixed with grated coconut. It is seasoned with a blend of spices, adding freshness and a slight crunch to the meal.
  • Sambal: This spicy chili sauce is an essential accompaniment. The heat of the sambal complements the rich flavors of the pork, enhancing the overall dining experience.

These components together make Babi Guling a feast of flavors and textures. Each part of the dish complements the others, ensuring a harmonious and satisfying meal that’s deeply rooted in Balinese culinary tradition.

Where to Savor Babi Guling

Warungs: Local eateries and warungs in Bali are excellent places to try authentic Babi Guling. The dish is often prepared in small, family-owned establishments, ensuring an authentic experience.

Specialty Restaurants: Some restaurants in Bali specialize in Babi Guling and offer variations of the dish, allowing visitors to savor different regional styles.

While it can be found in many restaurants around Bali, we have compiled a list of great authentic Restaurants of indonesian and balinese foods. You can find some great choices of this meal there.

Culinary Etiquette

When enjoying Babi Guling in Bali, it’s customary to use your right hand for eating, especially when eating with your fingers. It’s a sign of respect for local customs and traditions.

Traveler’s Tip

Babi Guling is best enjoyed as a communal meal with friends or family. Sharing a whole roasted pig can be a memorable and social dining experience.

It is also important, that to the locals, Babi Guling is not just a dish; it’s a celebration of Balinese culture and flavors. Savoring this succulent roast pig is an essential culinary adventure for travelers looking to immerse themselves in Bali’s vibrant food traditions and experience the island’s rich cultural heritage.

10 lesser-known facts about Babi Guling:

1. Babi Guling’s Ceremonial and Religious Significance: Babi Guling holds a special place in Balinese ceremonies, symbolizing prosperity and playing a role in important events like weddings and temple festivals. There’s even a sacred version called “Mepeed” offered to deities.

2. The Complex Spice Blend: The marinade used is a blend of intricate spices and herbs, including turmeric, coriander, lemongrass, and ginger, infusing the pig with rich flavors and a golden hue.

3. Preparation Rituals: Preparing it is considered a sacred and communal act. It involves the collaboration of family members and skilled chefs, with each person having a specific role in the process.

4. Constant Basting for Crispy Skin: Achieving the perfect crispy skin in Babi Guling requires meticulous attention. The pig is frequently basted with coconut water and turmeric-infused oil during roasting to ensure an even, golden-brown finish.

5. Regional Variations: Different regions of Bali have their unique twists on Babi Guling, including variations in seasoning, side dishes, and presentation, allowing travelers to explore diverse flavors.

6. Sacred Sacrifice in Balinese Hinduism: Roasting and offering a whole pig in Babi Guling ceremonies are considered sacred sacrifices in Balinese Hinduism. It’s a way to seek blessings and appease the gods.

7. Community Celebration: Babi Guling is often enjoyed as part of larger community celebrations, bringing people together for feasts during religious festivals, weddings, and significant events, fostering unity and togetherness.

8. A Culinary Rite of Passage: In Bali, there’s a saying that “If you haven’t tried Babi Guling, you haven’t been to Bali.” It reflects the belief that trying this dish is an essential part of the Bali experience.

9. Historical Association with Royalty: Babi Guling has a long history of being associated with Balinese royalty, often reserved for special occasions and royal feasts, highlighting its elite status in Balinese cuisine.

10. Aromatic Turmeric-Infused Skin: The frequent basting of the pig with coconut water and turmeric-infused oil not only ensures crispy skin but also imparts an aromatic and flavorful quality to the dish.


What is Babi Guling?
A traditional Balinese dish consisting of whole roast pig. The pig is seasoned with a mixture of spices and herbs, roasted until the skin is crispy, and served with various accompaniments.

What is the Cultural Significance of Babi Guling?
It holds cultural and religious importance in Bali. It is often used in Balinese ceremonies and rituals, symbolizing prosperity and good fortune. A special version of Babi Guling, called “Mepeed,” is offered to deities as a sacred offering.

How is Babi Guling Prepared and Cooked?
It is prepared by selecting a young pig, marinating it with a spice mixture, and roasting it whole over an open flame or using a spit. The slow roasting process ensures crispy skin and flavorful meat.

What are the Key Flavors and Accompaniments of Babi Guling?
The dish features crispy pig skin, tender meat, and is often served with sate lilit (Balinese fish satay), lawar (a Balinese salad), and spicy sambal (chili sauce).

Where Can I Try Babi Guling in Bali?
It can be enjoyed at local eateries and warungs throughout Bali. Some restaurants specialize in this famous meal and offer variations of the dish to cater to different regional styles.

What is the Culinary Etiquette When Eating Babi Guling in Bali?
When enjoying this meal, it’s customary to use your right hand for eating, especially when eating with your fingers, as a sign of respect for local customs and traditions.
